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Home : Childrens_Book : Fasolino, Peter

Fasolino, Peter

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  • contact: Peter Fasolino
  • phone: 718-834-6276
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  • Peter lives and works in New York City and, when not illustrating, spends his time pondering what part of the brain is responsible for compelling one to be an illustrator. The same part, perhaps, that persuades one to believe in the possibility of lasting peace in the Middle East, a Beatles reunion (all four), O.J. Simpson's innocence, tolerable Adam Sandler movies, keeping the porchlight on for Jimmy Hoffa's return, health insurance for every American and a high six figure yearly salary due to buyers of Illustration who know good art when they see it. Peter Fasolino's illustrations cover the spectrum of Children's Books, Editorial and Advertising art as well as Caricature. Peter lives and works in New York City and, when not illustrating, spends his time pondering what part of the brain is responsible for compelling one to be an illustrator.  The same part, perhaps, that persuades one to believe in the possibility of lasting peace in the Middle East, a Beatles reunion (All four), O.J. Simpson's innocence, tolerable Adam Sandler movies, keeping the porchlight on for Jimmy Hoffa's return, health insurance for every American and a high six figure yearly salary due to buyers of Illustration who know good art when they see it. "Down these mean streets a man must go who is not himself mean, who is neither tarnished nor afraid, The ILLUSTRATOR.... must be a complete man and a common man and yet an unusual man. He must be, to use a rather weathered phrase, a man of honor... He talks as the man of his age talks, that is, with rude wit, a lively sense of the grotesque, a disgust for sham, and a contempt for pettiness. He is cynical yet idealistic, romantic yet full of despair, an essentially gentle man moving across the landscape of beauty, decadence and violence." (apologies to Raymond Chandler)
    • Submitted by: calcat
    • Hits: 3509
    • Added: Mar. 13, 2005
    • Last Modified: Aug. 19, 2016