Usabilty Rating

The usability rating that you give each image is a very important feature and it determines the order in which your images are displayed.

All of the search results will be sorted alphabetically based on what usability rating you have given that image. This allows you to select images that you believe are the most likely to be reused and have them come up first in a search.

Here is what we feel you should be thinking about when you choose what rating an image should get.


  • E. The image was for a very specific story and is not likely to be reused very often.(Ex. "Nixon dressed as a reindeer")
  • D. The image was specific, but not as unusual as E (Nixon)
  • C. You have no opinion on this image. (Most of your images should be left as C)
  • B. Checked quite a few keywords for this image.
  • A. Very broad appeal, general subject matter that can be interpreted in many ways and you checked many keywords for the image.

As you can see, the rating is not a decision as to whether you like one image more than another, but more as an aid to your clients so that they can see your most likely candidates for reuse right up front, and you checked many keyword boxes.

If you leave ALL of your images a C rating, they will be sorted alphabetically by image name. If "Nixon as a reindeer" is title "aanixon.jpg" and you left all of your images as a C rating, Nixon would be the first image your clients will see, if the image matches the keyword. Not exactly the most appropriate image to be greeting your clients with!

Use your ratings, you will thank yourself as your database grows and this feature becomes even more important.

